Building a Technology Strategy for the Industrial IOT World

In 2015 the World Economic Forum (WEF), in collaboration with Accenture, published a landmark report “The Industrial Internet of Things: Unleashing the Potential of Connected Products and Services.” Although the Industrial IoT is not in the general business press as much as its consumer counterpart, industry accounts for more than half of the world economy making Industrial IOT one of the major transformational business opportunities of the 21st century. In this session, Edy Liongosari, one of co-authors of the WEF report, will share findings from the report, and his views, on how OT automation suppliers can build a successful technology strategy for the Industrial IOT world.

Presentation from the 2017 Industry Conference & 18th Annual Meeting of Members
Edy Liongosari, Chief Research Scientist and Managing Director, Accenture Labs