Watt?? Another Energy Object?? Introduction to the Energy Management Object

Technical Abstract

Industrial energy management has long been expensive, application-specific and difficult to cost justify. Believing that a standardized approach would render this technology more readily accessible, the Energy Initiative Special Interest Group (SIG) is currently working on completing the definition of a CIP Energy™ Management Object. This object defines multiple Curtailment Levels that allow devices to reduce energy consumption, while continuing operation at altered production rates. Each Curtailment Level comprises a set of attributes describing the energy savings and instructions to the device on how to go to that level.

This paper introduces the current vision of the definition of the CIP Energy Management Object. After terms and definitions are introduced, the state model is presented. Each attribute and object specific service are explored. Next, interactions between an Energy Management Client and a device containing the Energy Management Object are identified. Also included is a discussion exploring how the Energy Management Object complements other, previously defined energy objects. Devices that lend themselves to implementing the Energy Management Object are considered. The paper closes with a summary of the anticipated benefits of the Energy Management Object to vendors, users and system designers.

Paper and presentation from the 2014 ODVA Industry Conference & 16th Annual Meeting

Richard Blair, Schneider Electric

Rich Morgan, Rockwell Automation